Yotsuba to!

Patrick Kelly


"You really need to make a website, Patrick. It's like a resume, but you can fix any typos you maek!

 -My friend

About Me

Hi, this is my page, but you likely already knew that. I am an undergraduate student at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. I am majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics, and am enamored with the intersection of the two, namely algorithmic design, machine learning, quantum computation and formal verification.

Relevant Work Experience

I have been an undergraduate researcher in thr Jung Research Group here at Purdue since Spring 2020. In the Spring, the main focus was on gaining experience with quantum computers, and I have worked with gate-based IBM-Q public machines (via Qiskit and OpenQASM), as well as quantum annealers such as D-Wave's chimera and pegasus machines. In the Summer I worked on reseaech that investigated using TUnfold to "unsmear" the output state distributions from IBM-Q machines. In the Fall I did work with hybrid quantum computing using D-Wave's LEAP framework.

As of Fall 2020, I know Java, C, Python, and have used C++, Bash, JavaScript, PHP, MATLAB (Octave), Mathematica, Assembly (x86_64), and SQL in some capacity. Please do not make me write in assembly or JS. As for markup languages, I know LaTeX, HTML, and CSS. I'm comfortable with Debian and its derivatives on both workstations and servers, and I'm familar with Drupal 7/8, Android Studio, Raspberry Pi, and breadboarding.

Relevant Computer Science Coursework

CS 180: Programming in Java
CS 182: Discrete Mathematics
CS 240: Programming in C
CS 250: Computer Architecture
CS 251: Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 252: Systems Programming
CS 314: Numerical Methods
CS 381: Analysis of Algorithms

Relevant Mathematics Coursework

MA 301: Introductory Real Analysis
MA 341: Real Analysis
MA 362: Vector Calculus
MA 366: Ordinary Differential Equations
MA 481: Putnam Preperation
STAT 511: Statistical Methods

Mathematics Interests

I enjoy learning about a broad range of topics, however I personally find topics relating to Analysis, Numerical Methods, and Number Theory to be the most interesting!

Miscellaneous Facts

I enjoy kayaking and biking in my free time, and am a huge music nerd, if you ever want some music recommendations, email me!


You can contact me at kelly237@purdue.edu. I would prefer it if you used my PGP Key to encrypt emails being sent to that address.